The tools you can trust

Elite pride ourselves on the highest quality service from general advice to all parcels sent by 24hr tracked service, we are here to help by phone, email, text or WhatsApp.

We have partnered up with some of the leading brands Fein, Sait and Thor to bring you be best products within the Stonemasonry, Landscaping and Tiling industries.



At Elite, we specialise in sourcing and manufacturing only the finest quality products. From premium-grade diamonds to top-tier abrasives, every item we offer has been rigorously tried and tested within the industry for years.

If you or your company require bespoke tools, we’re here to assist. Whether it’s diamond CNC profiles or tungsten tools, our expertise ensures we deliver exactly what you need.

Stay up to date with our latest products and innovations by following us on Instagram or subscribing to our mailing list.